Thursday, October 13, 2011

Some ways I'm deciding NOT to be like Samson...Day 32

Still frustrated with Samson, but the guy's starting to grow on me.  

Samson let his gift of power get the best of him.  He was to be set aside and get things done for God.  He was to never consume alcohol, be in the presence of anything that was dead, and he was never to cut his hair.  

Those three things set him apart from everything else and were to help give him specific purpose.  Well, over time Samson blew through all of the things that he wasn't supposed to do, he liked having his own power and choices in doing what he liked to do...and eventually he lost everything.  His strength and sight gone, he ends his life begging God to help him one last time.  And God does...however, that was God's purpose all along.  The prophecy made was that Samson was to begin the deliverance of Israel from the hands of the Philistine's.  Sounds like God still used Samson, despite all of the guy's faults, to accomplish His will.

So, what's the story I'm stewing on to correlate with Samson?  I know you're all curious...

Before Jesus ascended into heaven after the resurrection he told his disciples something crucially important, it's found in Matthew 28.  Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

What on earth does Samson the Rockhead have to do with Jesus giving us the great commission?  

The answer is that Jesus said to make disciples and "to teach them to obey everything I (Jesus) have commanded" and I can be terrible at obeying what He's asked me to do...a little bit like Samson.

My family and I have been a part of Real Life for more than eight years now.  My husband and I met Jesus here, our children were born into this church family, and we've been involved in more ministry than I can possibly remember.  We've been a part of small groups that have branched numerous times, and while I feel confident in where I am sitting with my family...I know there are some people missing.  

Jesus tells the story of a sheep who's wandered off... and the shepherd who leaves his flock of 99 sheep to chase the one; and when he finds that one he joyfully picks it up on his shoulders and carries it back to the flock.  When the shepherd gets that one sheep back he calls his friends and they have a celebration and rejoice because what was once lost, is found.  That's something Jesus said to go do...go chase the ones that have wandered and bring them back to the flock.

That's what is sitting with me regarding Samson today.  There have been times in which I've used the gifts God has given me in ways that are good, in ways that bring Him glory...but there's also some simple things He has called me to do and I'm just not getting it done.  I look around where I am now, and I see fruit because of my obedience in some areas, but the area of chasing the strays is starting to look pretty shriveled up on the vine.  

So, unlike Samson, I'm going to spend some time with Jesus looking at my heart and understanding how He would like me to accomplish one of the things He asked me to be obedient in...anybody with me?

Any ideas on how we can deny ourselves, be the opposite of Samson, and do what God is asking us to do?

Have you got a good story?...

Here's my visual...they aren't sheep, but I would think pigeons would be as hard to corral as people can be sometimes, what do you think?

Looking forward to hearing how God's using Samson the Rockhead to get through to you too.

Love, Heidi :)

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