Sunday, December 11, 2011

Not in the crowd, but in the game...

"You must follow me." 
-Jesus, John 21

Well, I did it.  I finished reading Crazy Love.  Did you?

I sat and read the last couple of chapters all at once.  

What parts will sit with you long after you close the book?  

I'm thinking of the comments made by Aunt Clara.  Chan said they'd taken her to a play, and at intermission, they asked Aunt Clara if she was having a good time.  She said, "Oh honey, I really don't want to be here right now...I just don't know if this is where I want to be when Christ returns.  I'd rather be helping someone or on my knees praying.  I don't want Him to return and find me sitting in a theater." (p. 142)

I have no doubts Jesus will return...but I think I doubt I'll live to really see it.  Do you doubt it?  I think my actions show that I believe Jesus won't come back today...otherwise some of the things I do on a daily basis would probably look vastly different.

So, I've been thinking about something.  At the end of the book of John, the disciples have gone out fishing and haven't caught anything.  Jesus appears and before they're aware it is the Lord; Jesus asked them if they've caught anything.  They say no, and Jesus tells them exactly where to cast, and they bring in more fish than they can haul, then they realize it's Jesus on the shore.  When Peter realizes it's Jesus he jumps out of the boat and swims to Him.  The other disciples follow hauling in the fish, they sit and have a meal with Jesus.  

Later, Peter and Jesus are walking and Jesus asks Peter three times, "Do you love me?"  Each time Jesus asks, Peter responds with, "Yes Lord, you know I love you."  And Jesus responds back to Peter after each confession of love, "Feed my lambs," then "Tend my sheep," and finally, "Feed my sheep."  

Jesus explains how Peter will eventually die for God's glory, how he "will be led where he does not want to go"and Peter looks over at John and essentially says, "What about him?"

Jesus response is swift and true, "It is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?  You must follow me!"

This is one of my husband's absolute favorite passages in scripture.  We've had many talks over a warm fire and a cup of coffee about John 21.  

I love Jesus disciples, mostly because they are just like me, blockheads.  

Jesus showed them what to do for three years, and the moment He's gone, a bunch of His closest followers head right back to what they were doing before they met Jesus.  They are found fishing...and not catching anything, until Jesus shows up. 

Ever been there?  Had Jesus show up in your life, had Him show you how to do things, and then end up not really knowing how or what to do, so you go right back to what you did before Jesus arrived?  

So, Jesus helps out His guys, like He did oodles of times before.  He provides what they need and then has a chat.  He essentially says, "If you love me, go feed my lambs, care for my precious ones that need guidance and love."  Peter gives an excuse as Jesus says, "you're going to go places you don't want to go," and asks about John..."what about that guy?"

Jesus says, "Don't worry about Him, that's up to me...You Follow Me!"

Ever said something like that to Jesus?  Has your prayer ever been, "Father, why me?  Why am I suffering, why is it so hard for me, what about the other people?"

I know I have.  And God's said the same thing to me that he said to Peter, "You Follow Me!"  

I think of Aunt Clara's statement again.  "I just don't know if this is where I want to be when Christ returns.  I'd rather be helping someone or on my knees praying.  I don't want Him to return and find me sitting in a theater."  It sounds like the disciples...but Jesus found them sitting in a boat.  Jesus helped them see that it was time to get out of the boat, go care for His sheep, and follow Him.  

What's it look like to get out of your boat, to stop fishing, to stop the mundane thing that you've always done, and go serve Jesus?  Stop sitting in the theater, stop watching from the crowd...go get in the game, and follow....go DO what He's asked you to do.

This one's sitting hard with me too...praying for all that read and that Jesus meets you where you need Him.

Love ya LIFERS.

H :)

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