Thursday, November 8, 2012

Training up a Child...and Thinking Outside the Box

"Direct your children onto the right path,

    and when they are older, they will not leave it."
- Proverbs 22:6

So, the Holy Spirit has been moving this week, challenging me, as He tends to do, and a story (along with an idea) was placed in my lap...  Hang with me as I process this for a second.

I'm only 34, but when I think back on my life there have been a few specific individuals God placed in my path that had tremendous influence in shaping me and "training me up" to be the person I am today.  

Right now, I've got the warm and fuzzy memories for a woman who started out as a "babysitter" for me at two months old and over time developed into a surrogate grandmother.  

Do you have anyone like this in your life?  Can you remember one person?  Do me a favor and think of them as you continue reading...

As I thought on the above passage from Proverbs and the story I'm about to tell you, I got to wondering if, when we are in the moment where God is shaping we recognize it?  See that time, that journey, that relationship, for the gift it really is?  

They say hindsight is 20/20, and so many times we don't understand what God is doing at the time He's doing it...but the story I got this week from a friend got me thinking that it is possible to intentionally see God at work.  To sit up and take notice when the potter is shaping the clay.

Well, I can tell you Mark and Ann know God is at work in their life.  When Miss Kathy invited them and their son Dalton to her home group three and a half years ago.  They attended the new home group excited to build relationships and grow as disciples of Jesus.

A little over a year ago Ann and Mark needed help getting Dalton (age 9 at the time) to and from school for a few days while Mark was working long hours and Ann traveled for her job.  

Jim and Miss Kathy had been an integral part of Mark and Ann's home group for quite a while at this point, and they offered to step up and help.  Since that time, Jim and Miss Kathy have developed a special relationship with Dalton.  

Dalton began spending more time with his new friends, so much that most of this past summer he spent with Miss Kathy working in the shop, digging in the yard, and organizing projects- they even taught him how to drive a four-wheeler.  Dalton has his own set of grandparents, and Jim and Miss Kathy have their own set of grandchildren- and both of them encourage those relationships to flourish, in the midst of developing their own special bond as friends.  

Watching the relationship flourish between Miss Kathy and Dalton has been great for Mark and Ann, and they recognize the connection that is being formed is shaping their son's character.  

Dalton is learning valuable lessons in how he can walk side by side with another person, as they process the bible, and simply talk about how life works.  

Both of them place tremendous value on their relationship, describing each other just this past summer, as "my best friend," and it's helping to shape Dalton into quite the sweet young man.

When I take a look at the passage above, "to train up a child on the right path," it's not easy.  I think God places value on relationship, because He knows we can't do it on our own.

Mark and Ann are great parents, they fully understand their role to disciple their son, to nurture and groom him and to shepherd him in the way he should go.  But what I think makes them even greater parents is their willingness to allow other people into their lives to help them.  Miss Kathy and Dalton are in the middle of a great time of growth and development, and Mark and Ann fully recognize God's work.  

It's not easy to train up a child...but if we think outside the box...think of what could be possible when we come together under God's authority, submit to His movement, and follow His guidance - who knows what is possible.

So, I'm wondering what's your experience?  

Can you think of a person who greatly influenced you in your young life?  Trained you up in the way you should go?  Is there someone God's put in your path, that could use some encouragement and direction...some "training up?"

It's good stuff to pray on...and I'm so grateful we have people around us who are modeling successful relational discipleship all around us.  

Until next week,

Love, H =D

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