Friday, November 2, 2012

Meet 'em where they're at...

Thanks for your great support of Kent last week, it was fun to have a guy's perspective and I'm sure he'll be back soon.  =D

I've been stewing on what to write for this week's blog post (y'all know how much of a crock-pot thinker I am) and as I processed my week, I started thinking back on what an incredible few days it's been.  

My 8 year old son was baptized last Friday night. It was truly one of the most exciting and celebratory events of my life.  That's him in the picture below, he's a cute little biscuit, isn't he?

The journey with our son has been amazing.  

Yes, he's young and has a lot of maturing to do, but when he continued to come to us repeatedly asking to get baptized, saying, "I want to follow Jesus. I want to do what He says, and He says I should get baptized." We decided he was ready to take the plunge, literally.

It's been quite the journey to walk with our son, he's our oldest child, and our "first crack" at this parenting thing, so I figure we're bound to mess up repeatedly.  But apparently we're doing something right, watching our son's heart change in love and maturity, little bits at a time.

Part of what's so tough about raising up kids is trying to continually meet them where they're at.  Trying to relate and understand the musings of a 3rd grade boy isn't easy.  He is competitive and passionate, stubborn and sweet...full of imagination, promise and endless energy.  And we, as his parents, get the reminder to meet him right where he is, every single day.

The challenge becomes recognizing the stage and maturity he's in...and intentionally helping him take the next step in his journey with Jesus, helping him to "grow up in his faith."

And that's where the title for this week's blog post popped into my head, because "Meeting 'em where they're at," is really what we all want, right?  

Someone to notice us, see us, recognize where we are and come alongside us in our struggles, and stubbornness to move forward in understanding and obedience to God.  

The picture above, my son so small, reminds me that he is young in the faith and my job is to keep joining him in the exact spot God has him.  The silly school yard arguments, the selfish pouts, the sweet excitement over serving someone else for the first time...those are the steps he is taking toward knowing Jesus better.

Really, it's a reminder that we are all, at times, just little boys and girls, trying to make our way in the world.  Hoping for someone to come along and help us take the next step of faith.

You guys, as LIFERS, you continue to meet people in their struggles and addictions, in their wounds and fears.  It really is an honor to be a part of this place, you know that?  

That's all I've got for today...I've hit my "Words with Friends" quota and I'm tapped out.

Love ya LIFERS,

H =D

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