Thursday, September 20, 2012

Relationships: Awkwardly Comfortable...

Relationship is most excellent.

For me, the first home group of the season saw several new faces, we ended up with folks ranging from ages 1 to 82.  It was fantastic!

I always think some of the first gatherings of the home group season are the best.  There's an energy that comes with the meshing of a new group.  You flub up names, feed someone's kid the wrong food, give awkward handshakes and play embarrassing ice breaker games.  

It's fun and light, and you feel out of place and comfortable all at the same time.

The new routine is hectic.  So many of us are already juggling fall sport schedules and the busy new school year.  I wonder how we'll manage Back to School Night AND home group AND feed the children something moderately nutritious.  Do you feel the same?  

So, here's a snapshot of home group last night:

We ran out the door after a dinner of corndogs and peaches, I'm pretty sure both of the kids were wearing shoes, and the spelling list got a good once-over before tomorrow morning's test at school.

I'm laying down the rules in the car to the kiddos during the entire drive to group:

"No food downstairs, no wrestling, no jumping on the furniture, and don't forget to smile and welcome the new kids!"

We pull up to our host home, and the kids run into the house, throwing open their front door before I'm fully out of the car.  They're just as excited as we are for home group to start again.

People begin filing in, right on time.  Some appear overwhelmed by the children scrambling in the driveway, others just toss their kids into the mix.

Coffee is brewing, napkins and cookies of chocolatey goodness await.

Timid questions are asked, answers are short and sweet, laughter is easy.

We start with prayer and "get to know you" questions.

People are asked to share about the one thing they always have with them, the thing that means the most.  Answers are different and surprising, and I find most people value their marriages, their children, and someone can have a deep and meaningful relationship with... chapstick.

We vision why we're here and what we're about and we talk about what's to come over the next few weeks.

Different parents head downstairs throughout the evening to calm squealing children, or kiss a carpet-burned knee.  

The adults talk about group guidelines - we want our group to be a safe place to share our lives with one another.

Someone repeats the "No wrestling" rule to the children.

Everyone is excited for new friendships, accountability, and just learning how to live life together and walk with Jesus.  

Children scramble upstairs and are covered in cookie crumbs as the coffee flows and conversations continue long past bedtime.

We dig through piles of socks and shoes, not even sure we have the right match, with promises to bring them back next week if we've grabbed the wrong pair.

We hug and say goodnight, kiddos are sad to part with friends new and old.

We head off to our respective homes, windows rolled down, children clamoring in their car seats,  hollering "good night- talk to you tomorrow!"

It's chaotic, crazy and loud...and just...home group.

And we can't wait to do it all again next week.

Relationship is most excellent.

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