Monday, February 20, 2012

"Who do you say I am?"...Week One, Day One Historic Faith

So...Historic Faith is officially under way.

It's been a long journey for our church leadership to bring this to fruition...a year of praying, time spent seeking wise council, intentional planning, hard discussions...and of course God's amazing timing have ALL gone into this huge endeavor for our church.

We are talking about Historic Faith...a moment in time that has the potential to change lives, church bodies, and ministries all over the world! This is a HUGE adventure, and it's not to be taken lightly.

And with that thought in mind, we all have to remember to do OUR part. Prayer and working through our daily devotional book is one great way to start owning our own slice of this movement.

So, here we are...week one, day one. Let's take it one day at a time, one step at a time, one prayer at a time.

This day we are reading through Luke 9:18-27. Jesus asks his disciples, "Who do you say I am?"

Peter is the only one who responds correctly, he says that Jesus is the "Christ of God". Today's devotional asks us to take it personally. Who do YOU say Jesus is?

My husband and I woke up early and prayed this morning. I'm stealing a lot of today's blog post from our discussion and his prayer.

As I sat in our quiet living room this morning with wet hair in a towel and lovely coffee breath my husband and I talked to our Father. We prayed, "Father, the passage in Luke is difficult to think about... "who do you say I am?". Father I know you are the creator of everything; that you are all powerful, all knowing...and I can't believe you're going to use me on this journey. I struggle to feel valuable enough to be a part of your plan. But I am, because you say Lord please help me to remember that while I have a small part, it is still a significant part. I'm humbled to bear some of this burden Father, but excited for the journey."

So, that's where our family is beginning this adventure...acknowledging who God is and owning our part.

How did you sit with today's devotional LIFERS?

Who do you say Jesus is?

Looking forward to some good thoughts over the coming weeks, can't wait to travel this journey with our church family!

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