Monday, October 17, 2011

Here I am Lord...Day 36

I know we're talking about David and how he had a heart for God, but there's something back in Abraham's story that's popping into my mind as we start this week's study on David.  

As Abraham is tested with sacrificing Isaac there are two times in the story the Lord calls out to him, and Abraham's response is, "Here I am Lord."

Why would Abraham answer in that way?  God knew where Abraham was, but it's the attitude Abraham has that has me intrigued.  God calls out to Abraham, and it's written as a shout of his name from God..."Abraham!"  And the response is simple..."Here I am."  I picture Abraham stooped over, working on a project around his home, and as he hears God call out his name, I see Abraham stand up and reply calmly, "Here I am."  There's something so true about that phrase.  Admitting I have nothing to hide from God, it's just me, simple and honest...I'm here Lord.

We see that in Day 36 with David.  David comes into his home from tending the sheep. He is a young boy, "ruddy with a fine appearance and handsome features," and God says, "rise and annoint him; he is the one." (1 Sam 16)  

Just prior to God identifying David, He tells Samuel that "the LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."  

What does my heart look like?  

I spend an awful lot of time worrying how things look on the outside, making sure appearances are in order; not just cosmetically, but that my kids are behaving, and I don't argue with my husband in public and I am a polite driver, things like that.  But am I more concerned about how it looks like I behave, than the motivation behind my behavior?  

David's older brothers looked like fine examples of kings to Samuel.  Samuel even says, "Surely the Lord's anointed stands here before the Lord."  

There's something about standing "here" before the Lord that's working on me today.

There's relief in the honesty and simplicity of being free before the Lord, to just be me...there's no "appearances" to keep up...He knows all of my terrible habits, and poor decisions, and how I'm struggling in obedience and He loves me anyway.  The statement "Here I am Lord," contains freedom.  I can be emptied out before Him, and He can embrace me and fill me back up with everything that is good about Him.  

So, bottom line is there's no hiding from God.  Nothing you can think or do without His why not be honest about it before Him?  David had a heart for God...a heart of honesty.  How's your heart today?  Mine's a little sore "here I am Lord, and I desire You and Your presence in everything I do and think today...and I adore You.  I want to be known by You Lord, and do Your will, mold me and use me."

H =)

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